O-Phase 2024!

Welcome! 🌸 On this page, you should find all the information you need to ensure you don’t miss anything during your orientation week and to gain a good insight into your study environment as well as the city. Of course, there will always be unanswered questions – below you’ll find contact details. You can also find contact points at Speicher XI and Dechanatstraße.
Yours, HoPo 💫


+++ Fine Arts: Monday, October 7th, 2:00 PM at the Metal Casting Workshop, Room 1.16.070 +++ DM BA: Monday, October 7th, 4:00 PM informal meeting +++ Fine Arts: Tuesday, October 8th, and Wednesday, October 9th, from 10:00 AM onwards: Class Introductions

For all questions and uncertainties that may arise, you can reach the asta speaker for culture via asta-kultur@hfk-bremen.de, your student councils via fsr-id@hfk-bremen.de, fsr-musik@hfk-bremen.de, fsr-dm@hfk-bremen.de, fsr-fr@hfk-bremen.de and the hej.team via hej@digitalmedia-bremen.de.

Feel free to follow us on Insta and ask questions there.

We wish you a good start!

Links and contacts you will probably need:

“First Aid”

“First aid” is a collection of all the important dates, information and contacts to find one’s way at the HfK. You will find the publication in your welcome bags.

By the way, the publication is revised and designed yearly by a course in Integrated Design.

Step-by-Step Guide for getting settled in Bremen

You are new to Bremen? Check out this step by step guide including the most important information about HfK, it will definitely save you a lot of googling!


You want to see the capacities of your semester ticket? Here you will find more information and the rail network.


Lectures listings, course registration, and university-wide information and documents can be found in what is called the “ARTIST” system. portal.hfk-bremen.de/myartist/

Introduction into the ECTS System

Make sure to look into this trickfilm explaining the ECTS system.

BAFöG, welcome money, German courses

You will find information under Förderung + Beratung. Viele Infos findest du unter Förderung + Beratung. Just moved to Bremen? You can get 150 € for that: Application for “Begrüßungsgeld”

State and university library

With a library card, the various sections of the state and university libraries are open to you, whereby the music and art sections are to be found at the corresponding facility of the HfK.

City Library Bremen

For the city library you need another library ID card, which you can get issued to you there. You already have this financed by the AStA through your AStA fee.


The offerings of university sports can be found here.

Carsharing in Bremen

With the semester ticket or by bicycle you can get almost anywhere. But if you still need a car, there is car sharing in Bremen. Look at the offers for students!
Cambio CarSharing

Last modified on: 4. October 2024