FLINTA* Committee


FLINTA* is a collective term for all groups of people who experience patriarchal discrimination due to their gender identity and/or sexuality. The word is an acronym and stands for women, lesbians, inter* people, non-binary* people, trans* people and agender* people. The asterisk stands for other gender identities that cannot be described by the above terms.

The FLINTA* Committee is a committee of the Student Council and has represented the interests of FLINTA* people at the HfK Bremen in both the Faculty of Music and the Faculty of Art and Design since Nov. 2023 (not as a permanent committee for the time being). It works closely with the university policy actors of the student body (AStA, StuRa, FSR), in particular with the AStA department for anti-discrimination and political education. The committee regularly reports to the StuRa on current topics that arise in particular from the exchange with the student body. To this end, the committee invites students to public university meetings and organises events to which everyone is cordially invited to discuss, listen and be heard.

If you have a concern or would like to get involved, please send us an email!

Last modified on: 28. May 2024