The AStA of the HfK awards grants for projects and events of students of the HfK as well as institutions of the student body and existing project groups. Currently (as of 2023/24), the budget has a total of 11,000€ available for project grants.
The basis for the funding is the project funding guideline of the student body: Projektförderungsrichtlinie der Studierendenschaft (the StuRa has recently revised and translated this guideline. The updated version will be linked here asap).
There are two different funds from which project funding can be applied for:
Project Funding
Funding for projects and events by students of the University of Arts who engage in self-organized political, social or cultural activities outside the curriculum. The fund is intended to promote interdisciplinary work and networking among students.
Maximum application amount: 400€.
The AStA decides on this funding.
Structure funding
Funding for campaigns and structures of institutions of the constituted student body or other already existing project groups that have the goal of sustainably developing or maintaining structures of the student body. Measures that directly fulfill the “tasks of the student body” (according to Regulations of the Student Body § 2) should also be funded.
Maximum application amount: 2,000€.
The StuRa decides on this funding.
If you would like to apply, take your time to read through the guidelines and consider which of the two grant funds would be appropriate for your idea. Then send in an application for project funding including a financing plan (see form below).
As soon as your project application has been voted on internally, you will be informed about the result.
Applications can be submitted by the following deadlines:
- April 01
- May 15
- July 01
- October 01
- November 15
- January 01
- February 15
An application should include the following information:
- Project title
- Project sponsor (group / student council / committee)
- Project period
- Responsible applicant (first and last name, address, phone number, email address)
- Other involved persons and/or participants
- Intended target group or audience, if applicable limit of number of participants
- Project description, purpose, pursued goals (max. ½ A4 page)
- Description, which tasks of the student body according to § 2 of the Regulations of the Student Body will be fulfilled with the project
- Cost calculation (income and expenses)
- Any cooperation partners and other donors
- Application amount
- Confirmation of acceptance of this funding guideline and the financial regulations of the student body
In addition, it is possible to apply for further funds from the AStA in exceptional cases. However, as long as these are not included in the budget plan, approval and disbursement requires the approval of the Students’ Parliament.
Here you will find a list of some of the previously funded projects.
Template cost calculation as Excel file (in German)
Report and reference obligation
If your project is publicly funded by the student body of the University of the Arts, you are obliged to submit a report on your project after completion and to refer to the funding by the student body in publications, events and advertising materials.
The regulations for this can be found in § 6 and § 7 of the funding guidelines.
Last modified on: 27. May 2024