The students’ parliament (StuRa) is the elected representative body of all students at the HfK. The parliament consists of fifteen members and is appointed for one year. All students can run for a position in the StuRa during the yearly election. Naturally we ask all students to vote for your peers (or for yourself!)
Our task is to represent the interests and concerns of the collective students, and to diversely and conscientiously introduce these into higher education policy. It is therefore all the more important that the parliament is comprised of students from various degree programs with different needs. The StuRa elects the student speakers of the AStA yearly, who take on the significant tasks for us all and functions as the center of student self-governance.
In addition, we determine the allocation of the AStA fees, which we pay as part of our semester fees. We advise and decide guidelines, general issues, and student regulations. We organize our elections, support the establishment of student councils and self-governance in the study programs and convene general assemblies.
In summary:
- Election of the AStA, appointing members of the AStA
- Resolution of budget (student AStA-fees)
- Review of the activities of the AStA
- Power to call student general assemblies
- Organization of student elections and the selection of members for the election committee and election review
- Preparation and resolution of changes to student body regulations
Sessions and Minutes
The students’ parliament (StuRa) meets once a month during the semester. All meetings of the StuRa are open to the university public. You are always welcome to stop by!
The meeting minutes are available here.
Due to the current situation, we have limited capacity in our meetings and cannot allow any number of students to participate as usual. Please contact us before the meetings via e-mail.
Next session dates
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Last modified on: 30. May 2021